Friday, March 13, 2009


I went to Chicago this weekend for librarian's meetings. Too much time in closed up rooms, too little exercise - but good people, good discusison, productive meetings. We ate dinner at a Lettuce joint Asian place last night - Ben Pao, "contemporary Asian" they call it - everything tasted good going down, but later when I thought about it, it seemed like it was really Asian food for Americans - everything was sweet and spicey. We had these peppered scallops - they had a light crust, that's where the pepper was, and a light brown sweet sauce.

I should be grading assignments now, but man, I don't feel like it. I think I'll go make a cookie kind for the Chili Feed.

We also got to see the Chicago River in green, and ride the train home, packed with revelers who had gone into Chicago for the St. Patrick's Day parade, including a puking girl in the seat in front of us - well and neatly taken care of by her boyfriend - and the irate conductor who wanted no alcohol, glass containers, or swearing, on his train - and keep those shoes off the seats, too.

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