Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Late summer food

So here it is almost the middle of August, and I'm not even sick of zucchini yet. I haven't had a dinner entirely composed of corn on the cob, although I did have squash casserole and roasted green beans last Friday, shared with the teenage girls. I've had a few good tomatoes - last night for dinner we had grilled cheese & tomato, on some wheat ciabatta I made Sunday. Today for my lunch I have a sack of the orange cherry tomatoes that my mom loved so much, and one of dark cherries.

But mostly I'm still yearning for summer food - yesterday I was looking at the cover of my July Martha mag, where it said, "Lobster Made Easy", and I couldn't remember the last time I had lobster - and, since in my family we never ate lobster - except maybe in Chinese food - except when we were by the ocean, I couldn't even think of where to go to eat it. Maybe Seattle.

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